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Friday, April 8, 2011

Brothers in Israel: An Introduction

Brothers in Israel is something we wanted to start to keep the people in our lives aware of a big decision we are pursuing and to serve as an outlet for reflection on our experiences in doing so.

In the coming months, we will be taking the first steps toward a goal we both have: to serve in the Israeli Defense Forces. Both of us will provide background information about making this choice and document our journey with as much substance and insight as possible.

Our idea is that Brothers in Israel will showcase two brothers' experiences in following one goal. We expect that these will be similar in some regards and, in others, totally different. Our articles will mostly be written individually and labelled so that you may easily follow our stories separately and compare them without being confused as to who wrote what.

At this point in time, posts will be very infrequent. but will pick up when there are relevant moments to write about.

In the meanwhile, thank you for your interest in following along with us.

- Brett and Darren


  1. Good luck, guys. Always stick together, and blog often. It doesn't have to be a shiny, golden post - just something with some heart and a little meaning behind it.

    The best advice I received in the army was to "always look forward." Keep your eyes on the prize no matter what (and there will be those "whats").

  2. Thanks, Danny! You've been an inspiration to us. Can't thank you enough for that and the words of advice.


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